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ANJELICA "AJ" HADSELL - 18 yo (4/2015) - Norfolk VA

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ANJELICA "AJ" HADSELL - 18 yo (4/2015) - Norfolk VA Empty ANJELICA "AJ" HADSELL - 18 yo (4/2015) - Norfolk VA

Post by mom_in_il Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:24 pm

Family, friends search for missing Norfolk teen

Staff, 13News Now
7:38 p.m. EST March 6, 2015

ANJELICA "AJ" HADSELL - 18 yo (4/2015) - Norfolk VA 63561110

NORFOLK -- Family and friends were searching Friday for 18-year-old Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, who hasn't communicated with them since March 2.

Norfolk Police said Thursday they were trying to confirm whether she was spotted on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University.

Hadsell was was last heard from via text around 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday. Her parents reported her missing from their Tarrallton neighborhood home around 9:15 that night.

Her mother says something just doesn't seem right.

"The conversation, in my opinion, was kind of off. I can't be 100 percent sure I know that was my daughter I was texting. I know how she talks and I know the type of things she says," said Jennifer Hadsell.

The Longwood University freshman was home for Spring Break.

Police initially said there's no indication of any foul play, but they continue to look for her.

Her friends have been coming in and out of her home and passing out missing flyers in the neighborhood.

"This is not Anjelica. We all know her, we know how she would act and this is out of character," said her longtime friend Andre Barr.

If you can help find Anjelica Hadsell, call Norfolk Police Detectives at 757-664-7026 or Norfolk Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.

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