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Jose Baez casting new doubts on meter reader

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Jose Baez casting new doubts on meter reader Empty Jose Baez casting new doubts on meter reader

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:56 pm

Jose Baez casting new doubts on meter reader

posted by halboedeker on Jun 5, 2009 6:24:52 PM

Can you believe the meter reader who found Caylee Anthony's remains?

Meter reader Roy Kronk's statements "are layered with inconsistencies," attorney Jose Baez says in a new motion. WESH-Channel 2's Bob Kealing explained that the motion is part of Baez's "broader strategy to paint Kronk as a potential suspect." Baez is representing Casey Anthony, who is charged with the first-degree murder of her daughter, Caylee.

Baez seeks Kronk's phone records to explore the cited inconsistencies. What does the new motion mean? WESH called on Orlando defense attorney Richard Hornsby for analysis. "In [Baez's] mind, Roy Kronk is ... as suspect as anything that Casey Anthony has said or done," Hornsby said.

Kronk attorney David Evans defended his client in the WESH report. "He's told his story truthfully from day one, will continue to do that, and so I don't think it's inconsistent at all," Evans told Kealing.

Evans noted that Kronk's work records are detailed. But Evans is trying to protect his client from an invasion of privacy.

WESH also looked at whether Zenaida Gonzalez's defamation suit against Anthony might be delayed. Anthony's defense team wants the civil suit postponed until after the murder trial.

Kealing again turned to Hornsby for analysis. "There's no way that she can defend herself with the death- penalty case pending over her head," Hornsby said. "What person would go and walk into a civil courtroom or deposition ... knowing that every word she says could be used against her."

Hornsby added that depositions in the defamation case are creating inconsistencies that make the prosecution's case more difficult.

Kealing laid out the conflict: Gonzalez's lawyers say it's not fair to make their client wait for civil justice. Jonathan Kasen, Anthony's civil attorney, told Kealing he is hoping for a delay of the civil suit.

The two reports this evening underscore that WESH is the local TV station most determined to keep the Anthony case in the mix of daily stories.

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