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"Jane Doe" - 6 yo - Loveland OH

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"Jane Doe" - 6 yo - Loveland OH Empty "Jane Doe" - 6 yo - Loveland OH

Post by TomTerrific0420 Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:20 pm

A Loveland grandmother is waking up in jail after her 6-year-old
granddaughter allegedly left her home, boarded a bus, and eventually
made it to a church in Madeira on her own.

Fifty-three-year-old Susan Hahn is facing charges after her granddaughter walked away from her home on Sunday.

According to police, she let girl out to play for an hour at her home on Park
Avenue. At some point the girl disappeared, but police say Hahn waited
40 minutes to call 911 after discovering that she was missing.

Two hours later, someone found the girl at Madeira Baptist Church. She she
apparently had boarded a church bus which took her there from Loveland.
It is not clear whether anyone with the church knew she was on the bus.

As a result of the incident, police arrested Hahn on Monday on one count of child endangering.

Police say this is the second time in a month Hahn has allowed the girl to slip away.

As of early Tuesday morning, Hahn remains in jail.
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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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