Casey’s Profile – Part 1: An Introduction
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Casey’s Profile – Part 1: An Introduction
Casey’s Profile – Part 1: An Introduction
Posted on January 8th, 2010 by by Valhall
This will serve as an introduction to a series of articles in which we will delve into the psychological profile of the type of killer Casey Anthony represents. Casey is the latest in a series of mothers who have committed filicide, but in a manner that fits a profile previously ascribed to men. Casey represents a new profile of killer.
This series will draw heavily from the work of Marilee Strong and her book Erased: Missing Women, Murdered Wives. In Ms. Strong’s book she presents an intricate analysis of the profile of the “male eraser killer”. Those killers such as Scott Peterson, L. Ewing Scott, Mark Hacking, Barton Corbin, Chester Gillette, John Smith, Drew Peterson, and in the current headlines, Josh Powell, have one thing in common – they killed their wives or girlfriends to eliminate an obstacle to achieving a fantasy life they had deluded themselves into believing they deserved. The women (and oft times their unborn children) were viewed as impediments to that goal.
Casey Anthony matches the psychological profile of the eraser killer to a tee. Her only differences from those identified to date – she is a woman, and her sole victim her child. To be clear, to speak of a new profile does not mean that type of killer has not existed previously, nor does it mean that the type of crime committed has not been under a type of “social learning” in which like-minded criminals perfect their planned murder by viewing the failures and successes of those who came and attempted the same before them (as pointed out by Strong). It should be noted that rarely is a “perfect murder” committed, and if one is – we never learn of it. Just as with serial killers, they existed prior to Jack the Ripper, and have existed – unknown, undetected except by the missing never recovered – since. The only ones that are open to study, are those who ALMOST committed a perfect murder. The same is true for the new breed of eraser killer – women who kill their children for their own personal gain. We will term this breed of killer – this new profile – female erasers.
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Posted on January 8th, 2010 by by Valhall
This will serve as an introduction to a series of articles in which we will delve into the psychological profile of the type of killer Casey Anthony represents. Casey is the latest in a series of mothers who have committed filicide, but in a manner that fits a profile previously ascribed to men. Casey represents a new profile of killer.
This series will draw heavily from the work of Marilee Strong and her book Erased: Missing Women, Murdered Wives. In Ms. Strong’s book she presents an intricate analysis of the profile of the “male eraser killer”. Those killers such as Scott Peterson, L. Ewing Scott, Mark Hacking, Barton Corbin, Chester Gillette, John Smith, Drew Peterson, and in the current headlines, Josh Powell, have one thing in common – they killed their wives or girlfriends to eliminate an obstacle to achieving a fantasy life they had deluded themselves into believing they deserved. The women (and oft times their unborn children) were viewed as impediments to that goal.
Casey Anthony matches the psychological profile of the eraser killer to a tee. Her only differences from those identified to date – she is a woman, and her sole victim her child. To be clear, to speak of a new profile does not mean that type of killer has not existed previously, nor does it mean that the type of crime committed has not been under a type of “social learning” in which like-minded criminals perfect their planned murder by viewing the failures and successes of those who came and attempted the same before them (as pointed out by Strong). It should be noted that rarely is a “perfect murder” committed, and if one is – we never learn of it. Just as with serial killers, they existed prior to Jack the Ripper, and have existed – unknown, undetected except by the missing never recovered – since. The only ones that are open to study, are those who ALMOST committed a perfect murder. The same is true for the new breed of eraser killer – women who kill their children for their own personal gain. We will term this breed of killer – this new profile – female erasers.
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mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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