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Casey Anthony’s Body Language in Court - Dr. Lillian Glass

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Casey Anthony’s Body Language in Court - Dr. Lillian Glass Empty Casey Anthony’s Body Language in Court - Dr. Lillian Glass

Post by mom_in_il Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:26 pm

Casey Anthony’s Body Language in Court Reflects Phony Non- Tears, Fake Sniffles, and An Empty Apology

January 26, 2010


Casey Anthony entered the courtroom with a nauseating smirk. The smirk and smile did not leave this sociopath’s face as she looked “excited” to have all the attention focus on her. She was wide-eyed and consistently maintained her smile, as she finally said to Andrea Lyons “I’m excited.”

Even though the sound wasn’t up for anyone to hear, my Utley lip-reading skills that I learned about as an undergraduate speech pathology major, back in the day, stood me well.

I was able to read Casey’s lips as she mouthed those words, as she smiled all the while. At first, I didn’t believe that I actually read those words on her lips, so I rewound the video. Low and behold, my eyes were not playing tricks on me after all. She definitely spoke those words. I was even more nauseated and disgusted by Casey Anthony then ever before.

Read more: http://drlillianglassbodylanguageblog.wordpress.com/2010/01/26/casey-anthony%E2%80%99s-body-language-in-court-reflects-phony-non-tears-fake-sniffles-and-an-empty-apology/
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