What could mistress report mean to George Anthony’s future, Casey Anthony’s case?
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What could mistress report mean to George Anthony’s future, Casey Anthony’s case?
What could mistress report mean to George Anthony’s future, Casey Anthony’s case?
posted by halboedeker on March, 16 2010 5:38 PM
What could an alleged mistress’ comments about George Anthony mean to him and the case of his daughter, Casey?
The story is a lot more crucial than any racy details about a possible affair. Two former prosecutors told WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing that the main issue is whether George is keeping something from investigators to help Casey Anthony. River Cruz, the woman who says she had an affair with George, said he told her that Caylee’s death was an accident.
Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter.
Brad Conway, George Anthony’s attorney, has denied the affair and the accident statement.
Yet inconsistencies in George’s statements could hurt the state’s case against his daughter, Kealing explained. “Testimonial evidence is going to either make or break the case,” said former prosecutor Tom Luka, who had represented Lee Anthony.
“They [prosecutors] need to make sure that every witness is vetted to the utmost ability so nothing is a surprise when it comes down at trial, ” Luka added.
A second former prosecutor, Jeff Dean, told Kealing that investigators are trying to find witnesses, like Cruz, so the state knows if George has information he isn’t sharing.
“If he’s trying to throw them a curve, when he’s been asked under oath to tell everything he knows, that’s when he’s going to find a problem,” Dean told Kealing.
And Kealing noted that George “has given what appear to be inconsistent statements about his daughter.” Kealing cited this example: George told investigators that Casey had used his wife’s credit cards; he said he had no knowledge of that happening when he was under oath in the defamation suit against Casey.
Inconsistent statements, Luka said, could open George Anthony to perjury and “possibly, possibly obstruction of justice charges.”
In other Anthony news, a spokeswoman for the defense team said reports are untrue that there is a $700,000 deal with the ABC network, WFTV-Channel 9 reported. “The defense says the rumors about the deal were fueled by bloggers and are false,” anchor Darrell Greene said.“Channel 9 broke the story in 2008 when the network paid Casey about $200,000 for all of her pictures and videos of Caylee.”
posted by halboedeker on March, 16 2010 5:38 PM
What could an alleged mistress’ comments about George Anthony mean to him and the case of his daughter, Casey?
The story is a lot more crucial than any racy details about a possible affair. Two former prosecutors told WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing that the main issue is whether George is keeping something from investigators to help Casey Anthony. River Cruz, the woman who says she had an affair with George, said he told her that Caylee’s death was an accident.
Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter.
Brad Conway, George Anthony’s attorney, has denied the affair and the accident statement.
Yet inconsistencies in George’s statements could hurt the state’s case against his daughter, Kealing explained. “Testimonial evidence is going to either make or break the case,” said former prosecutor Tom Luka, who had represented Lee Anthony.
“They [prosecutors] need to make sure that every witness is vetted to the utmost ability so nothing is a surprise when it comes down at trial, ” Luka added.
A second former prosecutor, Jeff Dean, told Kealing that investigators are trying to find witnesses, like Cruz, so the state knows if George has information he isn’t sharing.
“If he’s trying to throw them a curve, when he’s been asked under oath to tell everything he knows, that’s when he’s going to find a problem,” Dean told Kealing.
And Kealing noted that George “has given what appear to be inconsistent statements about his daughter.” Kealing cited this example: George told investigators that Casey had used his wife’s credit cards; he said he had no knowledge of that happening when he was under oath in the defamation suit against Casey.
Inconsistent statements, Luka said, could open George Anthony to perjury and “possibly, possibly obstruction of justice charges.”
In other Anthony news, a spokeswoman for the defense team said reports are untrue that there is a $700,000 deal with the ABC network, WFTV-Channel 9 reported. “The defense says the rumors about the deal were fueled by bloggers and are false,” anchor Darrell Greene said.“Channel 9 broke the story in 2008 when the network paid Casey about $200,000 for all of her pictures and videos of Caylee.”
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