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State’s secret information no longer needs to be secret

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State’s secret information no longer needs to be secret Empty State’s secret information no longer needs to be secret

Post by mom_in_il Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:40 am

Casey Anthony: State’s secret information no longer needs to be secret

Prosecutors are done with their investigation and report no need for delay in the release of details

By Sarah Lundy, Orlando Sentinel

5:21 p.m. EDT, March 17, 2010


Prosecutors in the Casey Anthony case say the information they wanted kept secret — while they investigated — can now be released to the defense and the public, according to a one-page document filed this afternoon.

The investigation is done and there is no need to keep details sealed, Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton wrote in the document.

It's unclear what is in the material and what it has to do with the case. It's also unclear when the information will be released to the public.

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