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Psychologists: Jailhouse letters offer insight into Casey Anthony’s life behind bars

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Psychologists: Jailhouse letters offer insight into Casey Anthony’s life behind bars Empty Psychologists: Jailhouse letters offer insight into Casey Anthony’s life behind bars

Post by momgot2kids Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:47 pm

Psychologists: Jailhouse letters offer insight into Casey Anthony’s life behind bars
By Sarah Lundy, Orlando Sentinel

2:01 a.m. EDT, April 11, 2010
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The letters Casey Anthony penned in jail show an immature woman who needs attention and adoration from others.

That's what three psychologists gleaned from reviewing dozens of Anthony's hand-written notes and letters to a fellow inmate at the Orange County Jail. The doctors agreed to read and give insight from the letters at the request of the Orlando Sentinel.

"She is spending most of her time in isolation with no audience. She has no outlet for the stuff that goes through her mind," said Dr. Daniel Tressler, a forensic psychologist based in Altamonte Springs.

Anthony, 24, found an audience in fellow inmate Robyn Adams, a convicted drug dealer who is now in federal prison. The two exchanged notes — sometimes every other day — through a hardback book, "Do Away with August."

Click here to read some of Anthony's hand-written letters to Adams.

Since Anthony's arrest in October 2008, the only public view of her has come during her court appearances, at which she has said little and rarely displayed emotion. Letters released last week offer the first limited snapshot of what she has experienced while locked up.
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