What Do Casey Anthony And Scott Peterson Have In Common?
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What Do Casey Anthony And Scott Peterson Have In Common?
What Do Casey Anthony And Scott Peterson Have In Common?
Unclear Cause Of Death Only One Similarity
POSTED: 4:36 pm EDT September 29, 2010
UPDATED: 6:29 pm EDT September 29, 2010
WINTER PARK, Fla. -- Casey Anthony’s defense team renewed its attention this week on the fact that medical examiner Jan Garavaglia could not determine how Caylee Anthony died. However, the Anthony trial will not be the first high-profile murder case where the cause of death was unknown.
In the case of Scott Peterson, the trial ended with a death sentence. Like the case against Anthony, most of the evidence against Peterson was circumstantial.
READ MORE: http://www.wesh.com/caseyanthony/25214274/detail.html
Unclear Cause Of Death Only One Similarity
POSTED: 4:36 pm EDT September 29, 2010
UPDATED: 6:29 pm EDT September 29, 2010
WINTER PARK, Fla. -- Casey Anthony’s defense team renewed its attention this week on the fact that medical examiner Jan Garavaglia could not determine how Caylee Anthony died. However, the Anthony trial will not be the first high-profile murder case where the cause of death was unknown.
In the case of Scott Peterson, the trial ended with a death sentence. Like the case against Anthony, most of the evidence against Peterson was circumstantial.
READ MORE: http://www.wesh.com/caseyanthony/25214274/detail.html
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