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CHRISTOPHER EARL GLASS Jr - 5 mo - Palmdale (N of LA) CA

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CHRISTOPHER EARL GLASS Jr - 5 mo - Palmdale (N of LA) CA Empty CHRISTOPHER EARL GLASS Jr - 5 mo - Palmdale (N of LA) CA

Post by twinkletoes Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:18 am

Baby Stabbed to Death by Teenage Father After Child Abduction in Palmdale
CHRISTOPHER EARL GLASS Jr - 5 mo - Palmdale (N of LA) CA 59779033
Child Abduction Suspect Crashes While Being Pursued by Police
(KTLA News / March 1, 2011)

9:53 p.m. EST, March 1, 2011

PALMDALE -- A 5-month old boy stabbed by his teenage father during a
child abduction in Palmdale has died, authorities say.
Palmdale Sheriff's Station deputies responded to a report of a
child abduction in Palmdale at about 11:00AM, Tuesday.
An Amber Alert was issued for the child and his father,
17-year old Christopher Earl Glass, around 2:00 Tuesday afternoon.

CHRISTOPHER EARL GLASS Jr - 5 mo - Palmdale (N of LA) CA Christopher-Earl-Glass_20110301233517_320_240

According to the alert, Glass picked up his 5-month-old son from a
relative’s home earlier today and drove to the child’s mother’s home.
The two argued, and Glass drove off with the boy still inside his white SUV.
Glass then allegedly sent a text message to the mother, threatening to stab the boy.
At about 3:30 p.m. deputies who were
searching for the baby saw Glass driving in the area and began to follow him.
The deputies saw the suspect motion in a manner that appeared
as though he was stabbing the baby as he drove his car.
Attempting to get him to stop, deputies went in pursuit of the suspect's vehicle.
During a short chase, Glass slammed his SUV into a structure at the Palmdale Metrolink station.
Glass got out of the car and ran, and deputies chased him on foot.
Other deputies ran to the suspect's car, picked up the baby, and raced him to the hospital in their radio car.
Unfortunately, the baby was pronounced dead at the hospital.
Other deputies pursuing Glass shot and killed the teenager as he broke into a nearby home
Glass died at the scene. No deputies were injured.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Trying to keep my sanity. Trying to accept that which I cannot change. It's hard.

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CHRISTOPHER EARL GLASS Jr - 5 mo - Palmdale (N of LA) CA Empty Re: CHRISTOPHER EARL GLASS Jr - 5 mo - Palmdale (N of LA) CA

Post by twinkletoes Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:23 pm

Please move to resolved.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Trying to keep my sanity. Trying to accept that which I cannot change. It's hard.

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CHRISTOPHER EARL GLASS Jr - 5 mo - Palmdale (N of LA) CA Empty Re: CHRISTOPHER EARL GLASS Jr - 5 mo - Palmdale (N of LA) CA

Post by babyjustice Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:36 pm

So sad. All I can say is at least the baby is in heaven with the angels and the monster of a father is hopefully burning in hell.

Supreme Commander of the Universe
Supreme Commander of the Universe

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