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Casey Anthony – A Hair Raising Event - CFJ

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Post by mom_in_il Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:16 pm

Casey Anthony – A Hair Raising Event
06/04/2011 donchais


Something about the jail visit videos, shown over the past two days, I find quite interesting is many of the TH’s believe this was the very first time Cheney Mason and Dot Sims actually viewed them and they appeared taken aback! If true, that brings several questions to mind. Did Jose Baez never share that information with co-counsel? How, in all this time, did Mason and Sims not know about this highly publicized evidence? If they knew about the existence of the videos, yet only viewed them for the first time in court, what they heck have they been doing?

Today we expect to hear from Karen Lowe, FBI hair and fiber analyst. Ms. Lowe was extremely credible in her testimony on hair banding during the Frye hearings. Hopefully, Dot did some extensive research on the subject although, I’m sure we’ll hear questions on the current hair study being conducted by the FBI. Dot kept trying to get that information and intimated the FBI wouldn’t turn it over and the State wasn’t demanding the FBI release it, but the research paper hasn’t even been finalized nor has it been peer reviewed!

Ms. Burdick indicated at the close of court yesterday, if direct and cross didn’t consume the entire four-hour session this morning, Gerardo Beloise will make return appearance.

8:58 Attorneys called into chambers!

Baez renewing objections to hair banding testimony. Baez wants to voir dire Karen Lowe and Judge Perry says you already did that at Frye. We are not going to have a mini Frye hearing today!

What a mo mo!

Baez just won’t shut up. How many ways can the Judge say no before he gets it?

I have ruled! We’ve wasted enough time on this already!

Baez gets more desperate everyday!

Karen Lowe takes the stand. 15 years with the FBI. She has testified around 43 times as an expert in trace examination.

More: http://callsforjustice.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/casey-anthony-a-hair-raising-event/
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