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Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story

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Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story Empty Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story

Post by mom_in_il Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:49 pm

Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 By Express


These pictures of Caylee Anthony are quite disturbing. As we have ll seen the circles underneath Caylee’s eyes in so many pictures, these pictures may help tell the story of what really happened to Caylee. Upon looking at the pictures, I noted the” location” of the injury marks underneath her eyes. One would be the opposite eye but in nearly the very same location. Picture #3 with the ice cream was hard to detect until I blow up my copy and can see that the mark is not ice cream like what is on the rest of her face..We do know that Casey said that one of the injuries was from Caylee falling down accidentallyby falling against or onTonE’s coffee table in his apartment.(the picture that her boyfriend Tony Lazzarro had taken). Okay, then how can Caylee fall “repeatedly” and get injured in nearly the same area/place all the time on different sides of her face…. Many readers have been commenting all along about the circles underneath dearCaylee’s eyes. And now with these pictures of injury marks underneath her eyes I lean towards something was happening and doesn’t look like it was good or accidental.

]Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story 1-2531-150x1501 Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story 22231 Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story 332221
Picture #1 . . . . . . . . . Picture#2 . . . . . . . . . Picture #3

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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story Empty Re: Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story

Post by alwaysbelieve Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:22 pm

mom_in_il wrote:Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 By Express


These pictures of Caylee Anthony are quite disturbing. As we have ll seen the circles underneath Caylee’s eyes in so many pictures, these pictures may help tell the story of what really happened to Caylee. Upon looking at the pictures, I noted the” location” of the injury marks underneath her eyes. One would be the opposite eye but in nearly the very same location. Picture #3 with the ice cream was hard to detect until I blow up my copy and can see that the mark is not ice cream like what is on the rest of her face..We do know that Casey said that one of the injuries was from Caylee falling down accidentallyby falling against or onTonE’s coffee table in his apartment.(the picture that her boyfriend Tony Lazzarro had taken). Okay, then how can Caylee fall “repeatedly” and get injured in nearly the same area/place all the time on different sides of her face…. Many readers have been commenting all along about the circles underneath dearCaylee’s eyes. And now with these pictures of injury marks underneath her eyes I lean towards something was happening and doesn’t look like it was good or accidental.

]Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story 1-2531-150x1501 Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story 22231 Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story 332221
Picture #1 . . . . . . . . . Picture#2 . . . . . . . . . Picture #3

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Very good observation. We all noticed the dark circles but never thought about the bruises. She's a peace now and nobody, will ever hurt her again. Just thinking about it makes me cry.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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