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show cause or else be in contempt - andrea

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show cause or else be in contempt - andrea Empty show cause or else be in contempt - andrea

Post by mom_in_il Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:24 am

February 21, 2011 · 7:51 pm
show cause or else be in contempt


Today, in the case against Casey Anthony, Prosecutor Jeff Ashton filed a motion asking that Jose Baez show cause for why he should NOT be held in contempt of court for failing to submit documentation to the State and to the Court with regards to the upcoming Frye hearings.

Let’s start at the beginning of this fiasco. As you know, during a February 7th court hearing, and memorialized in this order from the Judge, the Defense was given deadlines to submit expert witness reports, AND they were told to submit to the Court and the State a motion that specifies what aspect of the science in the Frye hearings they will object to, i.e. challenge.

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