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Can We STOP the 48 Hours Show? - andrea

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Can We STOP the 48 Hours Show? - andrea Empty Can We STOP the 48 Hours Show? - andrea

Post by mom_in_il Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:58 pm

April 11, 2011 · 8:54 pm
Can We STOP the 48 Hours Show?


I had every intention to write a post about the wonderful news that Yuri Melich is a finalist in the America’s Most Wanted All Star contest – such wonderful news – however, I am fighting mad about this 48 Hours show!

Well, before my 48 Hours rant, I do want to say how great it is that folks all over the Internet – from blogs, forums and chat-rooms – came together to vote for Yuri! Hal Boedeker said it best, “He has so many fans that he is a finalist in “America’s Most Wanted” All-Star contest.” Indeed, Yuri has endeared himself to many of us. We are witness that he never wavered in his commitment to Caylee. For that I know we are collectively, and profoundly, thankful.

I would be remiss not to express gratitude to John Allen, Eric Edwards, Appie Wells, the late Michael Erickson, and many others – too many to name – who went above and beyond in their search for justice for Caylee, who lost her life before she knew she had a life to live.

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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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