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can’t stop thinking about….yup, the trial - andrea

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can’t stop thinking about….yup, the trial - andrea Empty can’t stop thinking about….yup, the trial - andrea

Post by mom_in_il Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:21 pm

July 11, 2011 · 9:38 pm
can’t stop thinking about….yup, the trial


I want to mention a couple of things about the Casey Anthony case that are still really bothering me. And, I want to share what I learned today about “Cloud Computing” and using Microsoft “SkyDrive,” which is relatively new, I believe.

But first, the trial.

Practically everywhere I look – on Twitter, blogs and on newsy websites – there are articles and reports about the Casey Anthony trial. I can’t get away from it – especially when the news reminds me of critical questions that should be asked.

Here’s what bugs me still:

1. If, like the Anthony defense contends, Caylee drowned in the pool, that would be the manner of death. But, there were at least two times that Jose Baez said in the trial (I believe it was in front of the jurors), “We’ll never know how Caylee died.” So, what’s true? Did she drown? If it was a pool accident, that’s how she died! This equivocation by Jose tells me he was NOT completely sold on the drowning theory.

More: http://andreadreamin.com/2011/07/11/cant-stop-thinking-about-yup-the-trial/
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