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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:35 pm

TrialNotes Trial Notes
JB asks her to explain touch-DNA. Ashton objects since no DNA found. Overruled.

MagpieFromHinky Pamela
By this mornings def. tactics I wonder if they are going to prove all the State didn't find instead of anything in their OS.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:35 pm

DiDimond Diane Dimond
Baez can point out all the LACK of DNA found. But how to explain to #caseyanthony jury why it smelled like"a dead body was in the damn car!"
37 seconds ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
I guess the question is, will Jose try to prove his theory, or disprove the state's?

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:46 pm

MagpieFromHinky Pamela
I hope Ashton brings up the fact that the car & clothing were all cleaned. The car didnt even have the expected fingerprints

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:46 pm

TrialNotes Trial Notes
Baez: So if below 200, doesn't mean it's not there, but just that you're precluded from reporting it? Objection/sidebar.

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Baez is asking about FBI protocol in reporting results when Ashton objects and they move into sidebar.

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
A few jurors stretch during this sidebar. #CaseyAnthony
2 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony jurors not taking notes. Arms folded. Sidebar again. I'm surprised defense has started so slow and technical.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:46 pm

TrialNotes Trial Notes
I think Baez is trying to insinuate someone's [George's] DNA might've been on shovel but not in qty sufficient to be reported. #CaseyAnthony
1 minute ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Jurors 1-5 still same exact reaction. Nothing. Wouldn't go all in even with a straight flush with those five.
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Another pix of #JoseBaez at the board. #CaseyAnthony http://yfrog.com/gzu35qtj

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:47 pm

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony jury is excused for 2nd time today to "take up a brief legal matter" outside their presence.
28 seconds ago

TrialNotes Trial Notes
Witness being questioned outside presence of jury now. #CaseyAnthony
43 seconds ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
I think a box of new notebooks just arrived. Jury is being excused so a proffer (court w/ no jury) can continue. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
35 seconds ago

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:47 pm

TrialNotes Trial Notes
Baez says he only wants to elicit that the 55-RFU means there was something there, not who it belonged to or gender. #CaseyAnthony
43 seconds ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Ashton wants to know relevance- #Baez says he just wants to report that DNA material was found #CaseyAnthony -jfell
58 seconds ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Seubert says the results from the shovel aren't conclusive enough to tell if it the results came from female v. male

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:47 pm

TrialNotes Trial Notes
Ashton: Concerned counsel will argue to jury something that is scientifically incorrect. Judge says can ask in cross-exam.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:47 pm

TrialNotes Trial Notes
Judge asks witness what exactly those results mean. She says peak is potentially female or male, number too low to tell.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:48 pm

VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
Jose and Ashton going at it... fighting over evidence... NO JURY... DNA or lack of on shovel #CaseyAnthony borrowed from neighbor

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:48 pm

bobkealing bob kealing
#CayleeAnthony Now going to Have analyst reiterate no prints or DNA on tape on Caylee's skull

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:48 pm

TrialNotes Trial Notes
DNA typing performed on tape. Profile generated but below threshold for FBI's reporting policy.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:49 pm

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Defense got witness to testify dna "markers" excluded Casey, Caylee, George, Cindy and Lee then tested for contamination

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Seubert continued testing and found the DNA found on tape actually belonged to a FBI technician.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:49 pm

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Defense is asking whether the contamination was that of an FBI analyst.. She said yes, Lorie Gottesman
1 minute ago

ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield
Juror # 11 yawns and stretched his hands behind his head

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:50 pm

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Asked whether Gottesman's dna could have contaminated whatever other dna might have been there.. She said she would have seen a combination

TrialNotes Trial Notes
Wouldn't have altered process of exam. Sure, fewer who handle, the less chance of another profile deposited. #CaseyAnthony
4 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Seubert says it's possible contamination could have covered up any other DNA. But it would have to a lot of DNA covering up a tiny sample

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:50 pm

ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield
Now #caseyanthony DNA expert says many people handled duct tape evidence & elements degrade it & water submersion can be an issue too.
2 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Baez: Can you get DNA from an item that's under water? Seubert says possible but there are lots of factors that could hinder results.
2 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Seubert: DNA possibly recovered from items that were underwater, depending on bodily fluid, other factors. #CaseyAnthony
2 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Sunlight, humidity could destroy dna

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:02 pm

TrialNotesToo Trial Notes
Buccal samples from Cindy, George, Lee were submitted. JB: Asked to perform DNA test to see if Lee Caylee's father?

TrialNotesToo Trial Notes
Objection! Attorneys approach. Judge lets jurors go ahead and leave for lunch.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:06 pm

ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield
Very angry OBJ to #caseyanthony def for asking if #leeanthony was tested for possible paternity of Caylee.
42 seconds ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Ashton asks Seubert if state or Orange Co asked FBI to do paternity test? She reads statement and it doesn't mention Lee Anthony.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:08 pm

ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield
Angry OBJ to #caseyanthony def ques "was paternity test requested for #leeanthony as to Caylees father" Jury sent to lunch.. Pros MAD now
1 minute ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Seubert: Lab can run paternity test, but Lee Anthony never mentioned in report. #CaseyAnthony
1 minute ago

TrialNotesToo Trial Notes
Ashton: Suggesting that it was asked Lee be specifically tested is not a good-faith basis for asking that question.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:57 pm

InSession In Session
“That wasn’t the question he asked and he darn well knows it,” says Ashton in regards to #Baez ‘s explanation. #CaseyAnthony
1 minute ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Ashton: "What is the relevance of that?" #CaseyAnthony
1 minute ago

TrialNotesToo Trial Notes
Judge: Don't know what was in your (Baez's) mind, but you are NOT to ask questions that lead to that inference

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:57 pm

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge tells Baez to review a case concerning good faith questioning. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
1 minute ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
RT @ScorpyoRising: Ashton: "That is not the question counsel asked and he darn well knows it." #CaseyAnthony
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge Perry says no questions leading to the inference police asked about Lee. Judge says he doesn't know what was in their minds.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:57 pm

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Perry: Will consider striking Baez's question when they reconvene. #CaseyAnthony
2 minutes ago

TrialNotesToo Trial Notes
Judge will get text from court reporter and review to see if he'll strike per Ashton's request. Recess til 1:30. #CaseyAnthony
2 minutes ago

DiDimond Diane Dimond
#CaseyAnthony Judge perry says he doesn't have a hearing problem...the "amplification of voices" is not necessary. Sends everyone to lunch

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:57 pm

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Defense asked FBI whether she ran a test to determine whether Lee is Caylee's father.. State objected and Perry lectured Baez

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:05 pm

TrialNotes Trial Notes
I think FBI agent Savage asked for the DNA inclusion/exclusion for 2 reasons: 1) family very cagey about Caylee's dad... and...

TrialNotes Trial Notes
...2) there was a lot of public speculation that the reason family was cagey was b/c one of them was father. I think the FBI was simply...

TrialNotes Trial Notes
...covering all the bases. I don't think they suspected it, but instead simply wanted to rule him out.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

Post by oviedo45 Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:05 pm

TrialNotes Trial Notes
So his question before lunch was meant to bolster his claims of sex abuse by Lee, to add a layer of credibility b/c of FBI testing.

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Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial Coverage and Discussion Only ~ Day 20 ~ June 16, 2011

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