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Rev.Grund has had enough...

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Rev.Grund has had enough... Empty Rev.Grund has had enough...

Post by Beach Potato Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:02 am

Just posted....by Rev.Grund....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Team Caylee from Yuku.com and those affected by them PLEASE READ
Current mood: confident

Good evening!

This will be a multi-part blog that I want EVERYONE to read.. And, I want you to paste it and forward it anywhere TeamCaylee from Yuku.com has left their droppings.


First of all, let me say how disgusted and enraged I am that you have attached Caylee's name to your misguided, evil efforts. However, considering your Queen Jezebel, her behavior and her eunuch servant's behavior over the last 6-months I am not surprised at her ability to demean Caylee's name but you WILL NOT demean her legacy!

I've seen your entire members list, followed your screen names to other sites, gathered IP addresses and established identies. I do not believe that ALL OF YOU are a part of this effort to defame, slander and demean others who you do not agree with. I've seen enough to know that there are some of you who are not in agreement with everything that is going on. FOR THOSE OF YOU that have not participated in the libelous attacks going on at the Topix forum I will give you until 5 p.m. tomorrow MONDAY FEBRUARY 16th 2009 to contact me here, give me your name and any information you can offer regarding these activities. I will attach your IP address to your name and REMOVE YOU FROM THE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. That offer ends at 5 p.m. tomorrow. IF YOU DO NOT contact me then you will be included in the legal proceedings that are in process. I will be meeting with the LAWYERS this week and handing over all of the information accumulated on you. Yes, LAWYERS plural. It seems that some of the others you've targeted have their own lawyers who I WILL BE GIVING MY INFORMATION TO THEM AS WELL.

A Texas Judge has ruled against the Topix forum THIS MONTH and 178 anonymouse posters will be exposed and possibly prosecuted for their comments on a Topix Forum. A recent bill passed in Congress allows up to TWO YEARS IN JAIL for libelous comments, known as flames. Some of you have gotten caught up in this "game" and followed the wrong people down a wrong road. I am giving you a chance to get off of that road and do the right thing. If you do not take that choice, I will not feel bad for the havoc that rains down on your life. If you've been told there is nothing that can be done about your actions YOU WERE LIED TO. DO NOT TAKE THE FALL FOR THEM!


The names of those involved can be found in a prior blog or at the TopIx forum Team Jesse We Support You. If your recognize screen names or identities please contact the various web sites in question you will find that their policies have been violated. Please notify them that information taken from their sites has been used to harass you online. Also, if you wish to participate in the LAWSUIT that is being filed and the INVESTIGATION that is being commenced, please contact me as well with your information, who has harassed you and where this has taken place and I will pass it on to the LAWYERS. If a large enough number of you do so, I believe a COLLECTIVE LAWSUIT against ALL INVOLVED, THEIR BUSINESSES, ASSETS AND WEB SITES USED is in order. At least two of the perpetrators have successful businesses and they will have assets to pay for the judgements. But do not do it for financial gain - do it to set a precedence for others in the future. DO NOT DELAY IF YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS.


I want to thank you. What was meant for evil God has used for good. Over the last 6-months I've spent all of my time trying to find Caylee. I wasn't working on a cover-up or trying to protect anyone. During that time I fought for Caylee and because of some extremely misguided people had to stand up for my son Jesse. It wasn't that he couldn't stand up for himself. It was just that as a key witness in this case he was limited in what he could say. I wasn't. During that time I was so focused on Caylee and Jesse that I neglected other things that were important to me thinking they were safe. Because of your DIABOLICAL attack on my wife you caused me to shift my focus to her. Caylee has been found and is safe at Home. Jesse is secure and has had his say. Now, I am focused on my home, my wife and my life. Thank you for remiding me what is important. What the devil meant for bad GOD HAS USED FOR GOOD! So, even in that assignment you have failed.

I want to state for the record that I have no pleasure in seeing people go to jail or see lives, marriages and careers destroyed. This was not my choice. As the Judge in the Nevada Court room said to OJ Simpson; she did not know if it was his arrogance or his ignorance that got him to where he is now. I would wonder the same about you. It's too late to delte files and create another web site. Your efforts to destroy the Friends of Caylee web site will not succeed either and just so that your small darkened minds understand - Caylee's ENTIRE NAME was trademarked which means it cannot be used for business reasons. This site is a free site with no profits being made. At no time have I made, sought or intended to seek any profit from her name. Can the same be said for the Queen Jezebel that you follow so blindly and so foolishly?

I am sorry all of you have had to endure this but I will not stand for nor will I allow bullies to succeed. I CANNOT STAND BULLIES. And, that's what you miscreants are - BULLIES. As it always is with BULLIES - as soon as someone stands up to you we find out that you aren't as big, strong or as dangerous as you hoped you'd be.

Beach Potato
Beach Potato
Supreme Commander of the Universe
Supreme Commander of the Universe

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Rev.Grund has had enough... Empty Re: Rev.Grund has had enough...

Post by just_a_mom Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:33 am

Beach, you are good. I was just going to post this. Thank you.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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