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Casey Anthony: Find your own sense of closure, Yuri Melich advises - Hal

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Casey Anthony: Find your own sense of closure, Yuri Melich advises - Hal Empty Casey Anthony: Find your own sense of closure, Yuri Melich advises - Hal

Post by mom_in_il Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:53 pm

Casey Anthony: Find your own sense of closure, Yuri Melich advises
posted by halboedeker on July, 12 2011 4:35 PM

HAL’S NOTE: This post has been updated.

The state attorney’s office has decided not to pursue criminal perjury charges against Cindy Anthony, WESH-Channel 2 reported this afternoon.

WESH’s Bob Kealing reported the news after a press conference with law enforcement officers who worked on the Casey Anthony case. She was acquitted last week of first-degree murder in the death of the daughter, Caylee.

Cindy Anthony, Casey’s mother, testified to conducting computer searches for chloroform. Kealing described Cindy’s “apparent false claims on the witness stand.”

From the news investigators’ conference, Kealing highlighted that George Anthony was never a suspect in the case and that defense attorney Jose Baez hindered officers in trying to look into Casey’s claims of being sexually abused by her father and brother.

“We did, in fact, reach out to the Baez law firm and were asked not to approach her at the jail,” Sgt. Eric Edwards said.

“Detectives confirmed they are resuming a criminal investigation,” Kealing said. “At issue: Whether a Texas EquuSearch volunteer named Laura Buchanan, was coached or encouraged to turn in false documents.”

Sgt. John Allen told WFTV’s Kathi Belich said there were still a number of people to be interviewed. “We hope to get to the bottom of that,” Allen said.

Allen urged people who might be angry about Anthony’s acquittal to “step back” and “not go out and commit another crime.”

Cpl. Yuri Melich urged the public to accept the jury’s verdict and respect the judicial system.

Melich aimed some comments at people unhappy with the acquittal. “I wish there was something I could say that would bring closure to everyone, but there isn’t,” he said. “I just know that, unfortunately, people are going to have to come to their own sense of closure within themselves and understand that as far as this case is concerned, as far as the judicial system is concerned, there’s nothing else we can do.”

But Melich also told WFTV’s Belich: “How they treated this poor child and how they let this child rot in the woods is inhuman.”

WFTV reported that Texas EquuSearch founder Tim Miller filed suit against Casey Anthony and claimed that her lies cost the group $112,000. “Miller says Casey owes the group money because Caylee was never really missing,” anchor Martie Salt said.

Sheriff Jerry Demings said no special team will be with Anthony after her release from Orange County Jail, WESH’s Gail Paschall-Brown reported.

Anthony’s departure from the jail on Sunday will present challenges for journalists. WKMG-Channel 6 anchor Lauren Rowe said, “We have that place staked out pretty well,” Rowe said. “We are monitoring the entrances and exits to the jail 24 hours a day.”

WKMG’s reporter Mike DeForest explained that the jail doesn’t want a mob scene at Anthony’s release. He said that Anthony might be zipped out of the jail in a vehicle with tinted windows.

WOFL-Channel 35’s Holly Bristow quoted a jail official as saying details of Anthony’s release are being worked out and she could be set free any time on Sunday. ”No matter how many of these doors we have staked out, we probably won’t see her,” Bristow said. “And they’re still working out exactly how they will let us know she is released.”

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