The Casey Anthony Jurors: An American Disgrace…by Linda Paris - World hub
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The Casey Anthony Jurors: An American Disgrace…by Linda Paris - World hub
The Casey Anthony Jurors: An American Disgrace…
August 30, 2011 by Linda Paris
To the Jurors:
To all 12 jurors. Your life as you knew it is over. You will forever go down in history as an American disgrace. You will now have to live with your cavalier decision in the verdict of Casey Anthony. It is my belief that something very wrong happened in that jury room. Something punishable by law. Something that should land some of you in a federal prison for a few years.
Personally, I will not be satisfied until each and every one of you is thoroughly investigated and we know exactly what happened because I’m not buying anything any of you have said in your “interviews.” Not one word.
Lots of people were watching and paying very close attention during the trial. We saw the exact same evidence that you did and the verdict from the public is in. Over 90% of the people who were watching the trial felt Casey Anthony was guilty of first degree murder after closing arguments. Something stinks here and it stinks bad.
August 30, 2011 by Linda Paris
To the Jurors:
To all 12 jurors. Your life as you knew it is over. You will forever go down in history as an American disgrace. You will now have to live with your cavalier decision in the verdict of Casey Anthony. It is my belief that something very wrong happened in that jury room. Something punishable by law. Something that should land some of you in a federal prison for a few years.
Personally, I will not be satisfied until each and every one of you is thoroughly investigated and we know exactly what happened because I’m not buying anything any of you have said in your “interviews.” Not one word.
Lots of people were watching and paying very close attention during the trial. We saw the exact same evidence that you did and the verdict from the public is in. Over 90% of the people who were watching the trial felt Casey Anthony was guilty of first degree murder after closing arguments. Something stinks here and it stinks bad.
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Re: The Casey Anthony Jurors: An American Disgrace…by Linda Paris - World hub
I commented before I read the full link. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels there was jury misconduct during the trial. I was talking back to the TV when some of those questions were read. Also, I thought it was interesting that PI Lyons showed up during jury selection (the last day). I thought at the time he was getting info on the jurors and would probably approach them before the weekend was up. Baez is that kind of gutter rat and gutter rats all stick together.
I think Perry was in such a hurry to seat a jury and accommodate them, that he failed to protect the system.
I think Perry was in such a hurry to seat a jury and accommodate them, that he failed to protect the system.
Nanaof4- Cricket Tracker
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