Casey Anthony - Money, Money, Everywhere - But No Justice - BNN
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Casey Anthony - Money, Money, Everywhere - But No Justice - BNN
Casey Anthony - Money, Money, Everywhere - But No Justice
Posted on December 28th, 2011
by Simon Barrett in Op-ed
To quote from the 1970 Stevie Wonder hit, the Casey Anthony trial is Signed, Sealed and Delivered. To many people the trial represented a huge miscarriage of justice. Where is the justice for Caylee Anthony? There is none, is the simple answer. She is nothing more than a statistic, a very sad statistic.
Meanwhile, it seems as if Caylee Anthony has become a money making industry. Civil law suits are flying around like dead leaves in the wind, it is as if everyone connected with the case has an ax to grind. But what is to be gained by suing Casey Anthony? In my mind, not much other than bragging rights. She has no money, well at least none that we are aware of, so beating her in court is somewhat of a hollow victory.
I am sure that some of these suits stemmed from the belief that she would do some million dollar interview, but she has not. One also has to bear in mind that the longer she waits, the colder the story becomes and the less it is worth. By now the Casey Anthony exclusive is worth a ‘Deluxe dinner for one’ and the local Panda Moon Chinese takeaway ($10, gratuity not included).
Posted on December 28th, 2011
by Simon Barrett in Op-ed
To quote from the 1970 Stevie Wonder hit, the Casey Anthony trial is Signed, Sealed and Delivered. To many people the trial represented a huge miscarriage of justice. Where is the justice for Caylee Anthony? There is none, is the simple answer. She is nothing more than a statistic, a very sad statistic.
Meanwhile, it seems as if Caylee Anthony has become a money making industry. Civil law suits are flying around like dead leaves in the wind, it is as if everyone connected with the case has an ax to grind. But what is to be gained by suing Casey Anthony? In my mind, not much other than bragging rights. She has no money, well at least none that we are aware of, so beating her in court is somewhat of a hollow victory.
I am sure that some of these suits stemmed from the belief that she would do some million dollar interview, but she has not. One also has to bear in mind that the longer she waits, the colder the story becomes and the less it is worth. By now the Casey Anthony exclusive is worth a ‘Deluxe dinner for one’ and the local Panda Moon Chinese takeaway ($10, gratuity not included).
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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