Casey Explains Day Caylee Died, Possibly Blames George - WESH
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Casey Explains Day Caylee Died, Possibly Blames George - WESH
Casey Explains Day Caylee Died, Possibly Blames George
Casey Recounts Finding Soaked Caylee With George, Tells Dr.
POSTED: 12:51 pm EST January 11, 2012
UPDATED: 12:57 pm EST January 11, 2012
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony detailed during a psychological evaluation the day she claimed she and her father, George Anthony, found Caylee dead, saying that she doesn't believe the death was an accident, according to a doctor's sworn testimony.
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He said Casey told him that she was awakened that morning by George.
"He's screaming at me, 'Where's Caylee?'" Danzinger said.
He said Casey then told him she looked all over the house and didn't find her. She also looked in the above-ground pool in the back yard, and then turned around in horror.
"Then (George) had Caylee in his arms soaking wet. (Casey) took her from him and collapsed on the porch," he said.
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Casey Recounts Finding Soaked Caylee With George, Tells Dr.
POSTED: 12:51 pm EST January 11, 2012
UPDATED: 12:57 pm EST January 11, 2012
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony detailed during a psychological evaluation the day she claimed she and her father, George Anthony, found Caylee dead, saying that she doesn't believe the death was an accident, according to a doctor's sworn testimony.
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He said Casey told him that she was awakened that morning by George.
"He's screaming at me, 'Where's Caylee?'" Danzinger said.
He said Casey then told him she looked all over the house and didn't find her. She also looked in the above-ground pool in the back yard, and then turned around in horror.
"Then (George) had Caylee in his arms soaking wet. (Casey) took her from him and collapsed on the porch," he said.
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