Casey Anthony: Chilling depositions give overview of case - Hal
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Casey Anthony: Chilling depositions give overview of case - Hal
Casey Anthony: Chilling depositions give overview of case
posted by halboedeker on January, 11 2012 6:17 PM
“Blockbuster depositions,” WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Martie Salt said in a teaser tonight before the news.
She did not exaggerate. The depositions released today in the Casey Anthony case were jaw-dropping, bone-chilling and mighty strange. So the Anthony story was back at the top of newscasts because Chief Judge Belvin Perry unsealed mental-health evaluations of Anthony.
Central Florida News 13’s Adam Longo highlighted “one of the most shocking things” to come out today. “Casey claims that Caylee was the child of date rape,” Longo said. She did not know the father, Longo added.
Longo said the documents were the most interesting because they gave an overview of the entire case. “If you wanted to get one snapshot of the case, reading these depositions would certainly give it to you,” Longo said.
In July, Casey Anthony was acquitted of murder in her daughter Caylee’s death.
WFTV anchor Bob Opsahl noted, “Casey told two doctors that Caylee could not have died accidentally, but at the murder trial the defense told the jury exactly the opposite. The depositions also detail what Casey called sexual abuse by her brother, Lee, and her father, George.”
Anchor Salt said that Casey told the doctors that George Anthony “was molesting Caylee in a pool at the same he was murdering her.”
WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing focused on Casey telling the doctors that George Anthony “came in holding the child, soaking wet, screaming, ‘It’s your fault.’ Inexplicably, Anthony claims George calmed down and told her, ‘Daddy’s going to take care of it.’ Anthony says she watched her father leave the house with Caylee and that’s the last I saw of her.”
WFTV’s Kathi Belich said George Anthony’s attorney said, again today, that George never molested anyone, including Casey, and that he had nothing to do with Caylee’s death.
Belich said that the station’s legal analyst, Bill Sheaffer, “had never seen anyone more determined or successful as Casey Anthony in getting people to believe her lies.”
Of Anthony’s recently released videos, Sheaffer said, “We have a different stage, we have the same actress.”
WKMG-Channel 6’s Mike DeForest highlighted Anthony’s explanation for why she partied at nightclubs in the 31 days after Caylee disappeared. She said she did it to “pretend all was well,” DeForest said. “She says she occasionally asked her father about Caylee, but was told everything would be OK.”
DeForest noted that defense attorney Jose Baez, in his opening statement, said the defense wasn’t accusing George Anthony of murdering the child but saying that Caylee died in an accidental drowning.
Former prosecutor Jeff Ashton wrote about the mental-health evaluations in his best-selling book, “Imperfect Justice,” and drew the ire of the defense. Ashton issued a statement today “basically saying that since the judge made these public today, clearly he did nothing wrong in writing about it,” DeForest said.
News 13 anchor Jackie Brockington’s reaction to the latest news? “This just keeps going.”
What do you think?
posted by halboedeker on January, 11 2012 6:17 PM
“Blockbuster depositions,” WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Martie Salt said in a teaser tonight before the news.
She did not exaggerate. The depositions released today in the Casey Anthony case were jaw-dropping, bone-chilling and mighty strange. So the Anthony story was back at the top of newscasts because Chief Judge Belvin Perry unsealed mental-health evaluations of Anthony.
Central Florida News 13’s Adam Longo highlighted “one of the most shocking things” to come out today. “Casey claims that Caylee was the child of date rape,” Longo said. She did not know the father, Longo added.
Longo said the documents were the most interesting because they gave an overview of the entire case. “If you wanted to get one snapshot of the case, reading these depositions would certainly give it to you,” Longo said.
In July, Casey Anthony was acquitted of murder in her daughter Caylee’s death.
WFTV anchor Bob Opsahl noted, “Casey told two doctors that Caylee could not have died accidentally, but at the murder trial the defense told the jury exactly the opposite. The depositions also detail what Casey called sexual abuse by her brother, Lee, and her father, George.”
Anchor Salt said that Casey told the doctors that George Anthony “was molesting Caylee in a pool at the same he was murdering her.”
WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing focused on Casey telling the doctors that George Anthony “came in holding the child, soaking wet, screaming, ‘It’s your fault.’ Inexplicably, Anthony claims George calmed down and told her, ‘Daddy’s going to take care of it.’ Anthony says she watched her father leave the house with Caylee and that’s the last I saw of her.”
WFTV’s Kathi Belich said George Anthony’s attorney said, again today, that George never molested anyone, including Casey, and that he had nothing to do with Caylee’s death.
Belich said that the station’s legal analyst, Bill Sheaffer, “had never seen anyone more determined or successful as Casey Anthony in getting people to believe her lies.”
Of Anthony’s recently released videos, Sheaffer said, “We have a different stage, we have the same actress.”
WKMG-Channel 6’s Mike DeForest highlighted Anthony’s explanation for why she partied at nightclubs in the 31 days after Caylee disappeared. She said she did it to “pretend all was well,” DeForest said. “She says she occasionally asked her father about Caylee, but was told everything would be OK.”
DeForest noted that defense attorney Jose Baez, in his opening statement, said the defense wasn’t accusing George Anthony of murdering the child but saying that Caylee died in an accidental drowning.
Former prosecutor Jeff Ashton wrote about the mental-health evaluations in his best-selling book, “Imperfect Justice,” and drew the ire of the defense. Ashton issued a statement today “basically saying that since the judge made these public today, clearly he did nothing wrong in writing about it,” DeForest said.
News 13 anchor Jackie Brockington’s reaction to the latest news? “This just keeps going.”
What do you think?
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