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BABY BOY RODRIGUEZ - Charged: Osbaldo Rodriguez - Dallas, TX

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BABY BOY RODRIGUEZ - Charged: Osbaldo Rodriguez - Dallas, TX Empty BABY BOY RODRIGUEZ - Charged: Osbaldo Rodriguez - Dallas, TX

Post by TexasMommy Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:04 pm

Police: Far East Dallas father shook baby, broke his ribs when he wouldn’t stop crying

By Tristan Hallman, dallasnews.com

A Far East Dallas father shook and injured his baby son because he wouldn’t stop crying, police said.

BABY BOY RODRIGUEZ - Charged: Osbaldo Rodriguez - Dallas, TX Osbald10

Osbaldo Rodriguez, 26, demonstrated to officers that he held the boy and began “violently shaking him causing … his head to go forward and back” on Saturday, according to an arrest warrant affidavit. The document says the child, who was less than a month old, suffered intracranial hemorrhaging and four broken ribs.

The child was placed on life support at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas, but KDFW-TV (Channel 4) reports that the child is expected to survive.

Rodriguez was arrested Saturday afternoon and has been charged with causing severe bodily injury to a child. He is being held at Dallas County Jail in lieu of $250,000 bail.

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