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DESI JONES - 15 YO (12/2014)/ Charged: Fabian Rubio - Bremen IN

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DESI JONES - 15 YO (12/2014)/ Charged: Fabian Rubio - Bremen IN Empty DESI JONES - 15 YO (12/2014)/ Charged: Fabian Rubio - Bremen IN

Post by mom_in_il Mon May 11, 2015 2:39 pm

UPDATE: Man charged with Dec. murder of 15-year-old Bremen girl

Updated: Mon 7:45 PM, May 04, 2015

DESI JONES - 15 YO (12/2014)/ Charged: Fabian Rubio - Bremen IN Fabian+rubio
Fabian Roman Rubio

Authorities in Marshall County have filed criminal charges against a man they believe sexually assaulted, killed and then set fire to a 15 year old Bremen High School freshman last December.

At the time of the murder, 20 year old Fabian Rubio lived on the same street as the victim—about four houses away.

15 year old Desi Jones was on Christmas break when her partially burned body was found in a wooded area not far from her home.

Police identified a suspect after taking a close look at the last electronic communications the victim had sent to a third party.

Court documents read: “Desi Jones instant messaged (a third party) late on December 18, 2014 that ‘Fabian tryna to rob me right now…he told me to delete convo.”

Once investigators zeroed in on Rubio they examined his pickup truck and found “approximately nine separate locations of red stains in the bed of the truck and on the spare tire underneath the bed of the truck,” according to the Probable Cause document.

“A search warrant was executed on Mr. Rubio’s residence at Lake of the Woods and various articles of clothing, a glove and a hammer were confiscated and sent to a laboratory for analysis as well,” said Prosecutor Chipman. “Also noted, post mortem were burns to the upper part of her body. Laboratory analysis of the area in which she was found revealed the burns were from gasoline.”

Fabian Rubio was already behind bars today when he learned that he was charged with murder. On December 21st, two days after Jones’ body was discovered, Rubio was arrested for rape and sexual misconduct with a minor that was unrelated to the murder victim, but also involved a victim who was a 15 year old girl.

“We’ve had our share of tragedies at Bremen, this is probably the worst as far as tragedy, said Principal Jennings. “They’re all bad but when an accident takes place it’s a little bit different than a homicide.”

Ashley Boardman was Desi Jones’ art teacher. She summed up news of the arrest this way: “I think it’s something that the community has been looking for for a long time but it’s always hard to hear that there’s actual closure so it brings up that pain and heartache that the kids are kind of re-going through.”

The Bremen community has already raised some $16,000 to fund a scholarship in Jones name for a promising art student. The first award will take place in 2018, the year Desi was to graduate.

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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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