The George and Cindy show- thanks Larry- sick bag at the ready.
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The George and Cindy show- thanks Larry- sick bag at the ready.
The George and Cindy show- thanks Larry- sick bag at the ready.
May 13, 2009 by citizenkim
Larry starts w/–Why do you need an attny? George says–He’s a great confidant, and helps us focus. So you have to pay for friends? Brad pipes up that there were rumors of an obstruction of justice charge. Yeah, we’re still waiting.
Larry says he’s amazed by the thousands of responses on the blogs– um, he’s not astounded– that’s why he has the Anthony’s on there.
Cindy says- they’ve never been in our shoes, people are picking apart that we are supporting our daughter, and trying to make a good buck thing out of Caylee’s tragedy. George says he’s been a positive role model for other families going through this. Oh so deluded. I would LMAO if it weren’t so pathetic. OK, watch how they’ve handled it and behave in the exact opposite manner. What would that be an anti-role model?
Any sensible person would stand behind their daughter no matter what? Um, you’re NOT standing behind her you are standing in front of her and trying to block justice for Caylee! Get behind her and accept that she did it– that’s what a sensible person w/a good thought in their head would do.
George says they didn’t realize it was Caylee until 9-10 days after the remains were found- and then, they were surprised. Hmm, your daughter seemed to realize it right away– I guess she remembered where she threw her daughter away.
Cindy says she hasn’t spoken to Casey bc visits will become public. Larry asks Brad – he says he thinks they should visit- he doesn’t see a down side. WTF? Have you mentioned that to your clients?
Cindy says they do communicate through letters. Larry says why not ask your daughter what’s going on?…George gives a nonsense answer. WHO CARES if it’s monitored– if she’s not involved what could be the harm? Cindy says Casey can do no right, if they go in there and see her, it can only harm her. Cindy says, look at us, we haven’t done anything and… WHAT PLANET IS SHE ON? Does she know that her depo was taped and we SAW it- does she know that she washed those pants after smelling decomp in the car? Does she realize that it insults our intelligence when she continues to try and paint Casey as a saint? Just acknowledge her faults, admit there were mistakes and let a little reality shine in– it tends to plug up the crazy that is leaking out all over the
place sweetheart.
Brad admits that the State Attny’s office has been above board but then seems to complain about them releasing docs–um sunshine law much?
Brad is disputing that the duct tape was wrapped around the skull- idiotic. Was it a necklace that Casey fashioned? A headband? Larry says he would support his child but he would be wondering? – asks George- George says he doesn’t want to believe that Casey could do it– Cindy is going to tear him a new one for this answer- he should have just answered emphatically NO- I would never believe Casey could do it. He’s off the script. Balls in a jar.
Cindy says she’s not convinced the body was where it was found back in August. Gee I wonder if that will be the defense strategy? Brad says that Casey’s reaction the day the remains were found – is being misinterpreted. Nice try.
Cindy doesn’t understand why the bloggers hate her when many thousands of mothers and Gmas support her. PLEASE email me Cindy- I will help you understand where we’re coming from. She has no love for the “bloggers” – she might just as well have called us “poka players” – ugh. She feels sad for us, we just look for faults in people. That enrages me. What is her email? I would like to send her my questions. Yea! Larry asks if they are looking for the killer. Cindy says that there are investigators (wkg for them and some for the defense) who are still looking for the killer, but they are leaving them to their job. It’s a double, double, top secret operation- this looking for the killer. Mums the word about Zanny. Maybe Jose hasn’t decided which of Casey’s fantastical tales he’s going to try to spin in court. Eenie meanie miney moe- blame the nanny or blame Joe Blow? Cindy says their focus is making something good come out of Caylee’s tragedy. Wouldn’t JUSTICE for CAYLEE be something good to come from this tragedy?? WHO DID YOUR DAUGHTER TELL YOU TOOK CAYLEE??—let us help you find that person– to NOT be doing that while you claim to believe your daughter MAKES YOU LOOK TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY ASININE. Note to Cindy: We’re not as think as you dumb we are.
He reads some emails- why can’t they help children w/out being in the public eye? Good one. Larry asks could they be blinded by the fact that Casey is their daughter? DEAF, DUMB and BLINDED!! Cindy says that she watched Casey be a great mother for 3 years and that NO ONE has come forward to say differently. BULLSH!T! The neighbors did, she called Caylee a snothead, and I believe the police report called her a bad mother for NOT REPORTING HER DAUGHTER MISSING FOR A MONTH!!!!! They ALL talked about how you would call Casey and make her come home when she was out– Caylee was clearly cramping Casey’s style.
Good one Larry, he asks…shouldn’t all this prime time here be focused on the investigation- looking for the killer?? To which Cindy replies, w/that favorite Anthony word…Absolutely, Absolutely…BUT…she says she’s letting them do their job (I won’t help them here by showing a sketch of Zanny and begging your millions of viewers to look for her). She says she doesn’t know where to start w/this…that’s their job. WTF do you mean you don’t know where to start? I would start w/WHO TOOK CAYLEE FROM CASEY???!!! Let’s start there just for fun. It’s YOUR JOB to stand up for Caylee and find the TRUTH- no matter where it leads. That’s ABSOLUTELY what’s most important. GRR.
The poor Anthony’s are between a rock and a hard place – says Brad, he says it helps people when they share their grief publicly. How thoughtful of them. IT HELPS ME GET MY RAGE ON!! Thanks.
Larry calls this a Greek tragedy. George is talking about the 7-8 page suicide note that he wrote. That was sad. Larry asks if it was bc he thought Casey might have done it? – George says, no I never wrote that. Yeah, but did ya THINK IT? I think so, I think he KNOWS IT! Cindy says she wrote suicide notes and never acted on it. Cindy says you know how panicked you get when you lose your car keys or your cell phone? Imagine losing a child. OMG- I can’t even believe she just made that comparison!!
So that’s interesting though, that you were going to kill yourself even though you thought Caylee was still alive- that’s a great Gma Cindy. Cindy says her faith stopped her– Larry asked her twice why she didn’t do it– HA! George says he knows Casey couldn’t have done it bc he saw the love between Casey and Casey OOPS (freudian slip) I meant Caylee. WHY doesn’t Larry bring up the point that things were changing??- Casey had new friends, went out more, discovered the wonders of weed, had a new boyfriend who didn’t want a toddler around AND Caylee was talking more and beginning to be able to tattle—BAD combo. Caylee lost. Obviously there were things about their daughter that they were oblivious to- let’s bring that up and acknowledge it here- for those of us who like to live in the real world. Larry tries to drill down again on Casey acting “weirdly” by going out and partying. Cindy says, that’s not weird, she was a kid of just 22, I partied when I was 22. Larry snaps back– Not when your daughter was missing– NICE! Cindy seems flustered for a bit and George puts on that angry smile then Cindy tries to go back to that–it was just ONE picture BS. Here’s where Larry should say, Well NO, it was not that one picture- let’s deal w/reality. The VERY NIGHT CAYLEE WENT MISSING SHE RENTED MOVIES AT BLOCKBUSTER W/TONY! She was constantly going out, texting friends inviting them to Hot Body contests, running the shot girls at Fusian — JUST ADMIT SHE DIDN’T NOT APPEAR TO SHOW CONCERN FOR HER DAUGHTER!!
BUT NO-GRRRR- Larry lets Cindy get away w/the lie about there just being ONE partying picture. That’s inexcusable– WHY let them get away w/that LIE again?? Larry asks Brad if he’s s rprised it’s a death penalty case– he’s reply makes no sense– he says he’s surprised bc it’s a family case and usually the DP is for stranger on stranger crime. What a ridiculous argument. There are much better arguments for why it’s surprising they’re seeking the DP. Larry asks again, why they don’t go see her- she won’t say anything incriminating bc she didn’t do it right? George seems to imply that it’s at Casey’s request that they don’t go see her. AH HA some truth slips out. That’s ABSOLUTELY why they don’t go. The acting concerned gig was just too much for Casey- she doesn’t want to face them.
Larry beats it down– so why don’t you go, just go to see her, don’t you want to, just go? What’s the worst that could come of it? Cindy says she wants to go everyday but… the worst case scenario of going to visit would be watching people pick her apart again. Boo hoo. Wouldn’t the worst case scenario be EVER knowing what happened? NEVER having Caylee’s killer brought to justice?? These people are so infuriating. They’re so manipulative but yet not smart enough to see that they could try to manipulate people in FAVOR OF them? Have them go and talk to Casey but flip the script and have Casey say OMG I was soo stupid to not have reported her missing and will you PLEASE keep looking for Zanny and asking anyone who knows anything to come forward?!? I realize now that I should have called 911 immediately, I should NEVER have lied to police, I should have told you guys what happened and I’m sorry! Pls when you get media time show this sketch of Zanny, this is the car she drove. I know you love t-shirts- how about wearing some t-shirts w/Zanny’s picture? We must find Zanny! Someone knows something. We have to keep looking. Almost w/out exception, when a crime like this is committed someone spills a secret. Ooops I just slipped into their alternate reality- silly Kim- Casey’s keeping her secrets. Scary monster! They should beg people and plead for that IF they really believe someone else is involved.
Cindy says she smelled a smell in the car but she’s also smelled a smell in her fridge. WTF does she let rot in her fridge?? Dastardly squirrel corpses? Her house seemed so tidy otherwise. I’m sure some chloroform would clean that mess right up Cindy. Larry is saying- do you regret saying that in that (911) call? Cindy says no (that would require self reflection) I was just trying to lure the police to my house. Larry asks why Casey didn’t call the police the whole time her daughter was “missing” –Cindy says, Casey was probably coping and grieving the best you can. Larry’s like yeah, but it’s weird right? Yeah, it’s weird that Casey didn’t report her missing, Cindy says. Ya think? Cindy says AGAIN the LIE that it was ONE evening- out partying. OTHER PEOPLE, MANY witnesses have come forward to say that almost every night she was out partying and when she wasn’t she was sitting on Tony’s couch smoking weed. WAKE UP LARRY- THAT IS INFURIATING!!!!!!!
Cindy gives the story that Casey was looking for clues on the stripper pole in the club. Larry (how does he contain himself) asks… and that’s believable to you? It sounds funny. Cindy says we don’t know the whole story. No sh!t Sherlock, neither do you BECAUSE YOUR DAUGHTER AND THE TRUTH ARE UNACQUAINTED!! Larry asks if they ever pressed Casey for answers– George gives that weird smile– you can tell he regrets NOT PRESSING her more. He starts to say they didn’t really get a chance but Cindy interrupts and says… she was home we DID talk to her. George mumbles, NOT the way I wanted to sometimes. Poor George–he’s filled w/regret and he KNOWS what his daughter did. Cindy’s sense of self delusion is MUCH more powerful. She wants to stop this line of questioning and Larry moves on.
May 13, 2009 by citizenkim
Larry starts w/–Why do you need an attny? George says–He’s a great confidant, and helps us focus. So you have to pay for friends? Brad pipes up that there were rumors of an obstruction of justice charge. Yeah, we’re still waiting.
Larry says he’s amazed by the thousands of responses on the blogs– um, he’s not astounded– that’s why he has the Anthony’s on there.
Cindy says- they’ve never been in our shoes, people are picking apart that we are supporting our daughter, and trying to make a good buck thing out of Caylee’s tragedy. George says he’s been a positive role model for other families going through this. Oh so deluded. I would LMAO if it weren’t so pathetic. OK, watch how they’ve handled it and behave in the exact opposite manner. What would that be an anti-role model?
Any sensible person would stand behind their daughter no matter what? Um, you’re NOT standing behind her you are standing in front of her and trying to block justice for Caylee! Get behind her and accept that she did it– that’s what a sensible person w/a good thought in their head would do.
George says they didn’t realize it was Caylee until 9-10 days after the remains were found- and then, they were surprised. Hmm, your daughter seemed to realize it right away– I guess she remembered where she threw her daughter away.
Cindy says she hasn’t spoken to Casey bc visits will become public. Larry asks Brad – he says he thinks they should visit- he doesn’t see a down side. WTF? Have you mentioned that to your clients?
Cindy says they do communicate through letters. Larry says why not ask your daughter what’s going on?…George gives a nonsense answer. WHO CARES if it’s monitored– if she’s not involved what could be the harm? Cindy says Casey can do no right, if they go in there and see her, it can only harm her. Cindy says, look at us, we haven’t done anything and… WHAT PLANET IS SHE ON? Does she know that her depo was taped and we SAW it- does she know that she washed those pants after smelling decomp in the car? Does she realize that it insults our intelligence when she continues to try and paint Casey as a saint? Just acknowledge her faults, admit there were mistakes and let a little reality shine in– it tends to plug up the crazy that is leaking out all over the
place sweetheart.
Brad admits that the State Attny’s office has been above board but then seems to complain about them releasing docs–um sunshine law much?
Brad is disputing that the duct tape was wrapped around the skull- idiotic. Was it a necklace that Casey fashioned? A headband? Larry says he would support his child but he would be wondering? – asks George- George says he doesn’t want to believe that Casey could do it– Cindy is going to tear him a new one for this answer- he should have just answered emphatically NO- I would never believe Casey could do it. He’s off the script. Balls in a jar.
Cindy says she’s not convinced the body was where it was found back in August. Gee I wonder if that will be the defense strategy? Brad says that Casey’s reaction the day the remains were found – is being misinterpreted. Nice try.
Cindy doesn’t understand why the bloggers hate her when many thousands of mothers and Gmas support her. PLEASE email me Cindy- I will help you understand where we’re coming from. She has no love for the “bloggers” – she might just as well have called us “poka players” – ugh. She feels sad for us, we just look for faults in people. That enrages me. What is her email? I would like to send her my questions. Yea! Larry asks if they are looking for the killer. Cindy says that there are investigators (wkg for them and some for the defense) who are still looking for the killer, but they are leaving them to their job. It’s a double, double, top secret operation- this looking for the killer. Mums the word about Zanny. Maybe Jose hasn’t decided which of Casey’s fantastical tales he’s going to try to spin in court. Eenie meanie miney moe- blame the nanny or blame Joe Blow? Cindy says their focus is making something good come out of Caylee’s tragedy. Wouldn’t JUSTICE for CAYLEE be something good to come from this tragedy?? WHO DID YOUR DAUGHTER TELL YOU TOOK CAYLEE??—let us help you find that person– to NOT be doing that while you claim to believe your daughter MAKES YOU LOOK TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY ASININE. Note to Cindy: We’re not as think as you dumb we are.
He reads some emails- why can’t they help children w/out being in the public eye? Good one. Larry asks could they be blinded by the fact that Casey is their daughter? DEAF, DUMB and BLINDED!! Cindy says that she watched Casey be a great mother for 3 years and that NO ONE has come forward to say differently. BULLSH!T! The neighbors did, she called Caylee a snothead, and I believe the police report called her a bad mother for NOT REPORTING HER DAUGHTER MISSING FOR A MONTH!!!!! They ALL talked about how you would call Casey and make her come home when she was out– Caylee was clearly cramping Casey’s style.
Good one Larry, he asks…shouldn’t all this prime time here be focused on the investigation- looking for the killer?? To which Cindy replies, w/that favorite Anthony word…Absolutely, Absolutely…BUT…she says she’s letting them do their job (I won’t help them here by showing a sketch of Zanny and begging your millions of viewers to look for her). She says she doesn’t know where to start w/this…that’s their job. WTF do you mean you don’t know where to start? I would start w/WHO TOOK CAYLEE FROM CASEY???!!! Let’s start there just for fun. It’s YOUR JOB to stand up for Caylee and find the TRUTH- no matter where it leads. That’s ABSOLUTELY what’s most important. GRR.
The poor Anthony’s are between a rock and a hard place – says Brad, he says it helps people when they share their grief publicly. How thoughtful of them. IT HELPS ME GET MY RAGE ON!! Thanks.
Larry calls this a Greek tragedy. George is talking about the 7-8 page suicide note that he wrote. That was sad. Larry asks if it was bc he thought Casey might have done it? – George says, no I never wrote that. Yeah, but did ya THINK IT? I think so, I think he KNOWS IT! Cindy says she wrote suicide notes and never acted on it. Cindy says you know how panicked you get when you lose your car keys or your cell phone? Imagine losing a child. OMG- I can’t even believe she just made that comparison!!
So that’s interesting though, that you were going to kill yourself even though you thought Caylee was still alive- that’s a great Gma Cindy. Cindy says her faith stopped her– Larry asked her twice why she didn’t do it– HA! George says he knows Casey couldn’t have done it bc he saw the love between Casey and Casey OOPS (freudian slip) I meant Caylee. WHY doesn’t Larry bring up the point that things were changing??- Casey had new friends, went out more, discovered the wonders of weed, had a new boyfriend who didn’t want a toddler around AND Caylee was talking more and beginning to be able to tattle—BAD combo. Caylee lost. Obviously there were things about their daughter that they were oblivious to- let’s bring that up and acknowledge it here- for those of us who like to live in the real world. Larry tries to drill down again on Casey acting “weirdly” by going out and partying. Cindy says, that’s not weird, she was a kid of just 22, I partied when I was 22. Larry snaps back– Not when your daughter was missing– NICE! Cindy seems flustered for a bit and George puts on that angry smile then Cindy tries to go back to that–it was just ONE picture BS. Here’s where Larry should say, Well NO, it was not that one picture- let’s deal w/reality. The VERY NIGHT CAYLEE WENT MISSING SHE RENTED MOVIES AT BLOCKBUSTER W/TONY! She was constantly going out, texting friends inviting them to Hot Body contests, running the shot girls at Fusian — JUST ADMIT SHE DIDN’T NOT APPEAR TO SHOW CONCERN FOR HER DAUGHTER!!
BUT NO-GRRRR- Larry lets Cindy get away w/the lie about there just being ONE partying picture. That’s inexcusable– WHY let them get away w/that LIE again?? Larry asks Brad if he’s s rprised it’s a death penalty case– he’s reply makes no sense– he says he’s surprised bc it’s a family case and usually the DP is for stranger on stranger crime. What a ridiculous argument. There are much better arguments for why it’s surprising they’re seeking the DP. Larry asks again, why they don’t go see her- she won’t say anything incriminating bc she didn’t do it right? George seems to imply that it’s at Casey’s request that they don’t go see her. AH HA some truth slips out. That’s ABSOLUTELY why they don’t go. The acting concerned gig was just too much for Casey- she doesn’t want to face them.
Larry beats it down– so why don’t you go, just go to see her, don’t you want to, just go? What’s the worst that could come of it? Cindy says she wants to go everyday but… the worst case scenario of going to visit would be watching people pick her apart again. Boo hoo. Wouldn’t the worst case scenario be EVER knowing what happened? NEVER having Caylee’s killer brought to justice?? These people are so infuriating. They’re so manipulative but yet not smart enough to see that they could try to manipulate people in FAVOR OF them? Have them go and talk to Casey but flip the script and have Casey say OMG I was soo stupid to not have reported her missing and will you PLEASE keep looking for Zanny and asking anyone who knows anything to come forward?!? I realize now that I should have called 911 immediately, I should NEVER have lied to police, I should have told you guys what happened and I’m sorry! Pls when you get media time show this sketch of Zanny, this is the car she drove. I know you love t-shirts- how about wearing some t-shirts w/Zanny’s picture? We must find Zanny! Someone knows something. We have to keep looking. Almost w/out exception, when a crime like this is committed someone spills a secret. Ooops I just slipped into their alternate reality- silly Kim- Casey’s keeping her secrets. Scary monster! They should beg people and plead for that IF they really believe someone else is involved.
Cindy says she smelled a smell in the car but she’s also smelled a smell in her fridge. WTF does she let rot in her fridge?? Dastardly squirrel corpses? Her house seemed so tidy otherwise. I’m sure some chloroform would clean that mess right up Cindy. Larry is saying- do you regret saying that in that (911) call? Cindy says no (that would require self reflection) I was just trying to lure the police to my house. Larry asks why Casey didn’t call the police the whole time her daughter was “missing” –Cindy says, Casey was probably coping and grieving the best you can. Larry’s like yeah, but it’s weird right? Yeah, it’s weird that Casey didn’t report her missing, Cindy says. Ya think? Cindy says AGAIN the LIE that it was ONE evening- out partying. OTHER PEOPLE, MANY witnesses have come forward to say that almost every night she was out partying and when she wasn’t she was sitting on Tony’s couch smoking weed. WAKE UP LARRY- THAT IS INFURIATING!!!!!!!
Cindy gives the story that Casey was looking for clues on the stripper pole in the club. Larry (how does he contain himself) asks… and that’s believable to you? It sounds funny. Cindy says we don’t know the whole story. No sh!t Sherlock, neither do you BECAUSE YOUR DAUGHTER AND THE TRUTH ARE UNACQUAINTED!! Larry asks if they ever pressed Casey for answers– George gives that weird smile– you can tell he regrets NOT PRESSING her more. He starts to say they didn’t really get a chance but Cindy interrupts and says… she was home we DID talk to her. George mumbles, NOT the way I wanted to sometimes. Poor George–he’s filled w/regret and he KNOWS what his daughter did. Cindy’s sense of self delusion is MUCH more powerful. She wants to stop this line of questioning and Larry moves on.
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Re: The George and Cindy show- thanks Larry- sick bag at the ready.
Ohhh Larry brings up Casey’s incriminating journal entry. Cindy says that was written in 2005 and Brad has that diary. Cindy says the prosecutor didn’t release that- the police took a picture and they released that. There’s trouble w/the story. Larry says will you turn it in if the police want to test it? Brad says absolutely. Cindy is boring HOLES into Brad about this– something has really pushed her buttons here (scary monster). I wonder if she found that diary and added the ‘05 date. I wouldn’t put it past her at this point.
The State Attny’s office refused to comment on the case. Larry asks about items found at the scene that seem to have come from their home– George defers to Brad who says they will have to wait for trial to talk about that. Brad says they have a circumstantial case-which is only as strong as their weakest link. Keep telling yourself and your clients that.
George says when he worked as a detective but he never worked off a presumption until he had all the evidence. BS- you must have been a sh!tty detective then. George says he wouldn’t have made an arrest in this case. BS! Cindy says they made an arrest based on Casey lying about where she said she was (we know you think it’s ok to lie, Cindy). Larry says- why did she lie?? Cindy says maybe to spend more time w/Caylee! WOW, that is RICH!! How does Larry keep a straight face?!@#$?
Brad says there was no heart shaped sticker on the duct tape- that was speculation. WHAT??? OK, then how do you explain the heart shaped sticker residue on the duct tape? Wasn’t the sticker found in the bag too?
Larry asks if they have anyone in mind as a suspect– they both look like they want to jump out of their skin but say they can’t comment about that right now. As I said earlier- I bet their prime suspect’s name probably rhymes w/Blessy Fund. EVIL!!
OK- now we’re 43 mins in and here’s Larry’s first mention of the foundation. Now we’re treated to Whynock singing a song he wrote for Caylee- that seems like a colossal waste of time. Was this a condition of their intv? I think there are more important things to cover. WHO did he sleep w/to get this gig anyway? WHO the hell is he? HOW is he associated w/the Anthony’s OOOOOMG- Cindy wrote that?- I think they just said that!!!?!@#$%%?^$%^> I will have to go back and actually listen to it now.
Larry asks–Should whoever did this crime get the death penalty??– they both say they don’t support the death penalty. Um, follow up Larry…then what do you think should happen to the person who did it? Cindy says in response to viewer question that she could never cut ties w/Casey even if she finds out she did it. Caller calls in to thank them for the beautiful memorial– the Anthony’s VISIBLY breathe in that comment sooooo thankfully. It’s almost sad. Almost. Cindy says God can’t prevent bad things from happening- but you have to make money off it good of it.
Whoa good question from viewer–if you have evidence that she didn’t do it- why not bring it out and save the $$ that will be spent on the trial? Cindy slipped up in answer– so funny- really shows her twisted logic! She said that they don’t have evidence that she didn’t do it but there’s alot of evidence…um there’s evidence out there that doesn’t PROVE that she did it. Or some such BS– I will have to go back and listen- I don’t have the majic TV that let’s me rewind. Larry asks if they have hope for the trial. Cindy says, she does- if people take the oath of a juror and listen to the evidence, I think they will… and she
just drifts off. Larry should have followed that up– you think they will what? Find out that Casey really was mother of the year? Learn why she went out partying while Caylee was missing? Do you think people will see that she’s innocent or do you think they will find reasonable doubt? 9:56pm (4 mins left- ha/ha) Larry says, what’s this foundation about? A teddy bear has joined us on the table. Cindy says- they’re doing it to honor Caylee’s name- says that they actually thought about it back in September— UM you thought about a MEMORIAL FOUNDATION for CAYLEE back in september??? OOOPS! Cindy says they are going to provide counseling to families w/a missing child? Larry asks- with psychologists? Cindy, we (my husband and I- who were both suicidal) will help them the best that we can. Oh, what a treat. Larry says, what’s with the bear? Cindy says money raised will go to giving the bears as a THANK YOU to law enforcement starting w/Orange County! The bears would be on hand for first responders to give out. WHAT?? WOMAN– you have vilified those people ad nauseam since the beginning. Cindy says she’s President but NO ONE expects to collect a salary? Does anyone expect to pay the mortgage? BS-much?
Caller says- if Casey was only partying one night- why so many outfits? Cindy says they’re all old pics. LARRY-WAKE UP AND MENTION THE WITNESSES WHO ALL CONFIRM THAT SHE WAS OUT PARTYING MANY IF NOT MOST NIGHTS!!!!! Cindy says she would love to go see Casey if they could keep it out of the media– well that’s too bad, so sad– your daughter lost some privacy rights when she was neglectful in her care for Caylee by not reporting her missing for 30 days– and that’s just AT THE VERY LEAST. You should at least acknowledge that- that Casey is where she should be bc she acted stupidly in not reporting it immediately- that’s neglect– she should be punished for that- just admit it. That seems to be the CRUX of what went wrong in GETTING JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE right? WILL THIS BE A FOCUS IN YOUR FOUNDATION???? Will some of your advice to families in similar situations be NO MATTER WHAT- CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY??!! Just so you know, IT SHOULD TAKE PRIORITY over renting movies at blockbuster, hot body contests, smoking weed and watching TV on your new boyfriend’s couch. Is that some advice you will share w/families???
Well that’s it for this intv- Larry really dropped the ball- WHY did he even ask for questions from us? He let them get away w/murder! That’s an hour I will NEVER get back. thanks larry. Here’s a link if you’d like to see the idiocy for yourself– Thanks, BigMouthShelly!
This is a funny video posted on Larry’s blog from someone passionate about the case- it’s a rant that turns into a little PSA for birth control. Oh, Larry, you are SO hip and cool- it’s too bad you didn’t call them on their lies- do some research before you have guests like these on. Were there conditions on the intv?
Ohhh Larry brings up Casey’s incriminating journal entry. Cindy says that was written in 2005 and Brad has that diary. Cindy says the prosecutor didn’t release that- the police took a picture and they released that. There’s trouble w/the story. Larry says will you turn it in if the police want to test it? Brad says absolutely. Cindy is boring HOLES into Brad about this– something has really pushed her buttons here (scary monster). I wonder if she found that diary and added the ‘05 date. I wouldn’t put it past her at this point.
The State Attny’s office refused to comment on the case. Larry asks about items found at the scene that seem to have come from their home– George defers to Brad who says they will have to wait for trial to talk about that. Brad says they have a circumstantial case-which is only as strong as their weakest link. Keep telling yourself and your clients that.
George says when he worked as a detective but he never worked off a presumption until he had all the evidence. BS- you must have been a sh!tty detective then. George says he wouldn’t have made an arrest in this case. BS! Cindy says they made an arrest based on Casey lying about where she said she was (we know you think it’s ok to lie, Cindy). Larry says- why did she lie?? Cindy says maybe to spend more time w/Caylee! WOW, that is RICH!! How does Larry keep a straight face?!@#$?
Brad says there was no heart shaped sticker on the duct tape- that was speculation. WHAT??? OK, then how do you explain the heart shaped sticker residue on the duct tape? Wasn’t the sticker found in the bag too?
Larry asks if they have anyone in mind as a suspect– they both look like they want to jump out of their skin but say they can’t comment about that right now. As I said earlier- I bet their prime suspect’s name probably rhymes w/Blessy Fund. EVIL!!
OK- now we’re 43 mins in and here’s Larry’s first mention of the foundation. Now we’re treated to Whynock singing a song he wrote for Caylee- that seems like a colossal waste of time. Was this a condition of their intv? I think there are more important things to cover. WHO did he sleep w/to get this gig anyway? WHO the hell is he? HOW is he associated w/the Anthony’s OOOOOMG- Cindy wrote that?- I think they just said that!!!?!@#$%%?^$%^> I will have to go back and actually listen to it now.
Larry asks–Should whoever did this crime get the death penalty??– they both say they don’t support the death penalty. Um, follow up Larry…then what do you think should happen to the person who did it? Cindy says in response to viewer question that she could never cut ties w/Casey even if she finds out she did it. Caller calls in to thank them for the beautiful memorial– the Anthony’s VISIBLY breathe in that comment sooooo thankfully. It’s almost sad. Almost. Cindy says God can’t prevent bad things from happening- but you have to make money off it good of it.
Whoa good question from viewer–if you have evidence that she didn’t do it- why not bring it out and save the $$ that will be spent on the trial? Cindy slipped up in answer– so funny- really shows her twisted logic! She said that they don’t have evidence that she didn’t do it but there’s alot of evidence…um there’s evidence out there that doesn’t PROVE that she did it. Or some such BS– I will have to go back and listen- I don’t have the majic TV that let’s me rewind. Larry asks if they have hope for the trial. Cindy says, she does- if people take the oath of a juror and listen to the evidence, I think they will… and she
just drifts off. Larry should have followed that up– you think they will what? Find out that Casey really was mother of the year? Learn why she went out partying while Caylee was missing? Do you think people will see that she’s innocent or do you think they will find reasonable doubt? 9:56pm (4 mins left- ha/ha) Larry says, what’s this foundation about? A teddy bear has joined us on the table. Cindy says- they’re doing it to honor Caylee’s name- says that they actually thought about it back in September— UM you thought about a MEMORIAL FOUNDATION for CAYLEE back in september??? OOOPS! Cindy says they are going to provide counseling to families w/a missing child? Larry asks- with psychologists? Cindy, we (my husband and I- who were both suicidal) will help them the best that we can. Oh, what a treat. Larry says, what’s with the bear? Cindy says money raised will go to giving the bears as a THANK YOU to law enforcement starting w/Orange County! The bears would be on hand for first responders to give out. WHAT?? WOMAN– you have vilified those people ad nauseam since the beginning. Cindy says she’s President but NO ONE expects to collect a salary? Does anyone expect to pay the mortgage? BS-much?
Caller says- if Casey was only partying one night- why so many outfits? Cindy says they’re all old pics. LARRY-WAKE UP AND MENTION THE WITNESSES WHO ALL CONFIRM THAT SHE WAS OUT PARTYING MANY IF NOT MOST NIGHTS!!!!! Cindy says she would love to go see Casey if they could keep it out of the media– well that’s too bad, so sad– your daughter lost some privacy rights when she was neglectful in her care for Caylee by not reporting her missing for 30 days– and that’s just AT THE VERY LEAST. You should at least acknowledge that- that Casey is where she should be bc she acted stupidly in not reporting it immediately- that’s neglect– she should be punished for that- just admit it. That seems to be the CRUX of what went wrong in GETTING JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE right? WILL THIS BE A FOCUS IN YOUR FOUNDATION???? Will some of your advice to families in similar situations be NO MATTER WHAT- CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY??!! Just so you know, IT SHOULD TAKE PRIORITY over renting movies at blockbuster, hot body contests, smoking weed and watching TV on your new boyfriend’s couch. Is that some advice you will share w/families???
Well that’s it for this intv- Larry really dropped the ball- WHY did he even ask for questions from us? He let them get away w/murder! That’s an hour I will NEVER get back. thanks larry. Here’s a link if you’d like to see the idiocy for yourself– Thanks, BigMouthShelly!
This is a funny video posted on Larry’s blog from someone passionate about the case- it’s a rant that turns into a little PSA for birth control. Oh, Larry, you are SO hip and cool- it’s too bad you didn’t call them on their lies- do some research before you have guests like these on. Were there conditions on the intv?
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
» George and Cindy to be guests on 'Larry King Live'
» Another Candidate for "Baby Daddy"
» George and Cindy to sit for “Early Show” interview
» George & Cindy Anthony’s Atty Appear On Nancy Grace Show - cayleedaily
» Hal Boedecker the TV Guy (Orlando Sentinel)
» Another Candidate for "Baby Daddy"
» George and Cindy to sit for “Early Show” interview
» George & Cindy Anthony’s Atty Appear On Nancy Grace Show - cayleedaily
» Hal Boedecker the TV Guy (Orlando Sentinel)
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