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How does felony conviction affect Casey Anthony murder trial?

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How does felony conviction affect Casey Anthony murder trial? Empty How does felony conviction affect Casey Anthony murder trial?

Post by mom_in_il Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:00 pm

How does felony conviction affect Casey Anthony murder trial?

By Drew Petrimoulx @ January 26, 2010 5:00 AM


Casey Anthony is now a convicted felon - having plead guilty Monday to 13 charges from fraud to forgery stemming from a shopping spree she went on using checks stolen from a former friend. As the attention now focuses solely on Casey's capital murder trial, one of the looming questions is how Casey's previous record will affect defense strategy and whether the accused child killer will take the stand in her own defense.

"It seems likely to be extremely dangerous," said veteran attorney Mark NeJame on the prospect of Casey taking to stand and then being subjected to cross-examination.

Read more: http://wdbo.com/localnews/2010/01/how-does-felony-conviction-aff.html
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