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November 26, 2008 - New Evidence Documents

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November 26, 2008 - New Evidence Documents Empty November 26, 2008 - New Evidence Documents

Post by Impetuous Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:39 am

'Neck Breaking' Among Casey Home Web Searches

Prosecutor Release More Casey Anthony Documents


The Documents

Below are links to PDFs of the documents that were released today. Please be aware that a few of the e-mails and text messages contain curse words.

Casey Anthony Documents 1

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 2

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 3

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 4

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 5

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 6

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 7

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 8

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26, Part 9

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 10

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 11

Casey Anthony Dopcuments, Nov. 26 -- Part 12

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 13

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 14

Casey Anthony Document Nov. 26 - Part 15
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : True Crime Buff & Forensics

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November 26, 2008 - New Evidence Documents Empty Guide to the newly released docs = thanks sumsi for posting!

Post by oviedo45 Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:09 pm

i included a breakdown on the docs
'Neck Breaking' Among Casey Home Web Searches
Prosecutor Release More Casey Anthony Documents


The Documents
Below are links to PDFs of the documents that were released today. Please be aware that a few of the e-mails and text messages contain curse words.

Casey Anthony Documents 1 OCSO Investigative Report - 50 pages

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 2 - 50 pages total OCSO Investigative Report continued
page 1 -10 contains 50 through 60 of the report.
Supplemental timeline pages 11 - 20 including photos of the key players
evidence pages 21- 25
Supplemental report timeline narrative - pages 26 - 50

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 3 50 pages total
1-50 supplemental narrative continued

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 4 50 pages
supplemental narrative, including lee anthony, brian burmer page 9, cindy anthony (10) jesse grund (11-17), timeline narrative starting 7/31 including cindy anthony (18 - 28) george anthony (p 29- 48) and the final two pages are summaries of other key players.

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 5
p 1-2 timeline continued starting with date 9/25
p 3 -5 Report of examination - evidence from car
p 6 - 7 Report of examination - evidence from car
p 8 - 10 evidence of hair
p 11 -13 UCF report of air
p 13- 17 Oak Ridge report
p 18 - 31 prelim report 2 dated sept 24 oak ridge
p 32- 45 amscott reports (checks cashed)
p 46 caylee birth certificate
p 47 high school record
p 48 letter from vcc saying casey never attended
p 49 - 50 investigative summary

Casey Anthony Documents Nov. 26 -- 6
p 1 - 7 DCF reports (p5-7 shirley plesea interview first paragraph blacked out along with others on p 6/7)
p 8 -9 orange county fire rescue docs relating to 911 calls
p10- cyndi anthony timecard report from jan 1 to july 16, 2008
p12 - 19 casey phone book
p20 - 30 casey phone records
p31 - 32 tony lazarro phone records
p 33 - 39 at & t records (destination)
p 40 43 anthony outgoing (home)? (note on p 43 no incoming from casey cell)
p 44 - 49 more at & t records
p 50 at & t subscriber information - cyndi anthony

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 7

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 8

search warrant affadavit pages 42 - 50

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26, Part 9
more search warrants and computer crimes info
Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 10
pics of casey and more search warrants?
Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 11
casey party pics

Casey Anthony Dopcuments, Nov. 26 -- Part 12
contacts from sim card and text msgs.

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 13
emails between cindy and her family - pg 26 has cindy saying i have no life without caylee,pg 28 is rick's email about cindy and george being stupid and casey is a liar, pg 29 is the email from rick outlining what he thinks happened to caylee.and emails back and forth between them.

Casey Anthony Documents, Nov. 26 - Part 14
rick's emails to yuri
Casey Anthony Document Nov. 26 - Part 15

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