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Is Casey Anthony's Attorney In Contempt Of Court? - Hutch

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Is Casey Anthony's Attorney In Contempt Of Court? - Hutch Empty Is Casey Anthony's Attorney In Contempt Of Court? - Hutch

Post by mom_in_il Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:14 pm

Posted by Mark Hutcherson at 2:49 PM Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Is Casey Anthony's Attorney In Contempt Of Court?


Prosecutors in the murder trial of Casey Anthony want Judge Perry to hold the defendant's lead attorney Jose Baez in contempt of court. On several occasions, Baez has failed to turn over required information to the prosecution or has missed deadlines set by the court. Is Jose Baez in contempt of court? I believe that he is and I do expect the judge to order sanctions against him in the near future.

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