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Baez: 'Private Matter' Led To Early Adjournment - WESH

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Baez: 'Private Matter' Led To Early Adjournment - WESH Empty Baez: 'Private Matter' Led To Early Adjournment - WESH

Post by mom_in_il Wed May 18, 2011 8:47 pm

Baez: 'Private Matter' Led To Early Adjournment
Court To Resume At 8:30 A.M. Thursday
POSTED: 2:03 pm EDT May 18, 2011
UPDATED: 3:52 pm EDT May 18, 2011


ORLANDO, Fla. -- A text message from Casey Anthony's lead defense attorney said the early court adjournment Wednesday was because of a private matter.

Baez asked that speculation be stopped, and that the trial would resume at 8:30 a.m. Thursday. He said no further statements would be made.

Judge Belvin Perry ordered court to be in recess until Thursday morning after returning from lunch. A source told WESH 2 News the sudden recess was due to the fact that Baez had become ill. Defense attorney Cheney Mason would not comment as he left the courthouse.

Court was only in session for a few minutes Wednesday afternoon. Perry had asked whether Cheney Mason had an opportunity to discuss "the matter" with Casey Anthony. Mason said he had, and Perry said court would be in recess until 8:30 a.m. Thursday.

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