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some rest, others rage - andrea

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some rest, others rage - andrea Empty some rest, others rage - andrea

Post by mom_in_il Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:34 am

June 15, 2011 · 10:09 pm
some rest, others rage


The State of Florida, in the murder trial of Casey Anthony, rested today.

They rested after bringing forward a very strong case – delivering a concise argument that meticulously and tightly binds Casey Anthony to the murder.

Understandably, the State did not use all the evidence in its arsenal. Perhaps they were concerned about overdoing their case in chief and so decided to wait until their rebuttal to introduce additional evidence. Forgive the pun, but I’m sure the State was concerned with “over-kill” with regards to the plethora of evidence they have.

More: http://andreadreamin.com/2011/06/15/some-rest-others-rage/
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