The Rage Against Jose Baez: Personal and Here to Stay - Linda Paris
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The Rage Against Jose Baez: Personal and Here to Stay - Linda Paris
The Rage Against Jose Baez: Personal and Here to Stay…by Linda Paris
August 16, 2011
Besides the fact that I believe there was jury misconduct and a good possibility of jury tampering in the case of Casey Anthony’s impossible not guilty verdict, there are many other reasons to be alarmed about this gross miscarriage of justice.
This verdict is PERSONAL. It is personal to every man, woman and child living in this country today.
You might realize already the profound implications that this corrupt verdict suggests about the state of our country and our justice system.
In short, our system is broken and it is evidenced in this trial. If we don’t do something to troubleshoot what happened in this case we will be doomed to live in a country where it is virtually open season on our children.
The defense in this case proved nothing as far as Casey’s innocence was concerned. Conversely, to those of us who were familiar with the evidence and watched the trial, Baez and Cheney verified her guilt by pulling every dirty trick in the book. They changed their stories on a daily basis and fabricated evidence out of whole cloth. They lied and cheated and were reprimanded by a weak judge, who allowed them to take over his courtroom. They had witnesses lie on the stand and made attempts to throw everyone they could under the bus. They did all of this, in front of us all, for their own personal advancement and the promise of money and now they expect us to accept this verdict.
August 16, 2011
Besides the fact that I believe there was jury misconduct and a good possibility of jury tampering in the case of Casey Anthony’s impossible not guilty verdict, there are many other reasons to be alarmed about this gross miscarriage of justice.
This verdict is PERSONAL. It is personal to every man, woman and child living in this country today.
You might realize already the profound implications that this corrupt verdict suggests about the state of our country and our justice system.
In short, our system is broken and it is evidenced in this trial. If we don’t do something to troubleshoot what happened in this case we will be doomed to live in a country where it is virtually open season on our children.
The defense in this case proved nothing as far as Casey’s innocence was concerned. Conversely, to those of us who were familiar with the evidence and watched the trial, Baez and Cheney verified her guilt by pulling every dirty trick in the book. They changed their stories on a daily basis and fabricated evidence out of whole cloth. They lied and cheated and were reprimanded by a weak judge, who allowed them to take over his courtroom. They had witnesses lie on the stand and made attempts to throw everyone they could under the bus. They did all of this, in front of us all, for their own personal advancement and the promise of money and now they expect us to accept this verdict.
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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