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Anthony movie? Not so fast, Hollywood says

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Anthony movie? Not so fast, Hollywood says Empty Anthony movie? Not so fast, Hollywood says

Post by mom_in_il Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:44 pm

Anthony movie? Not so fast, Hollywood says
Author: By Matthew Carey, CNN
Posted On Jul 13 2011 01:28:19 PM CDT


Not so long ago, the idea of a Casey Anthony movie seemed like a certainty. How could Hollywood resist the chance to adapt the sensational murder case?

After all, producers didn't hesitate to turn the Amanda Knox, Natalee Holloway and Clark Rockefeller sagas into TV movies. And interest in those cases pales compared to Anthony, whose trial became the must-see television event of the summer.

But the public outrage over Anthony's acquittal on murder charges is making some in the industry rethink the wisdom of adapting her story to the screen.

"Anyone who pursued a movie based on these events, especially right now, will face some immediate backlash," said Matthew Belloni, news director for The Hollywood Reporter.

"The nerve is so raw on this and so many people are so outraged by the verdict that anything that is seen as an attempt to exploit this, especially if the family is involved, will be seen as a negative by most of the people who followed the trial," Belloni told CNN.

More: http://www.news8000.com/entertainment/Anthony-movie-Not-so-fast-Hollywood-says/-/332/166350/-/7uadatz/-/index.html
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