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motive for murder?

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motive for murder? Empty motive for murder?

Post by The_Thinker Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:04 pm


Casey Anthony
Celebrates 23rd Birthday In Jail

Posted: 9:09 am EDT March 19, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Twenty-three years
ago Casey Anthony was born. But Thursday she sat in jail and had no birthday
cake and no visitors, except her attorneys.

It wasn't even Jose Baez who visited her on her birthday
Thursday. Instead, Jose Garcia spent most of the day with her and Gabriel Adam
joined them for a few hours. Both left at 3:30pm.

The jail says she did not ask permission to receive any
packages, but her father George deposited $100 into her jail account Wednesday.

Her 22nd birthday didn't seem so special either, but was
riddled with dark thoughts. Investigators said, on St. Patrick's Day last year,
she Googled "how to make Chloroform," "neck breaking,"
"shovel," "household weapons," and "self
defense." Two days after her birthday, she researched household
ingredients used to make chloroform, missing children's websites and Googled
the 100th episode of the TV show One Tree Hill, where the plotline included a
nanny kidnapping a toddler.

Investigators believe, at this time last year, she could've
been hatching her plan to kill Caylee. Her mother had
just refused to babysit Caylee while Casey wanted vacation with friends in
Puerto Rico

Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Dear Caylee**gone but not forgotten**

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